Type of Tantras and Mandalas
Posted by SATOYuya on◎Mandalas in Tantra
Tantra is a Sanskrit word meaning, “loom”, “woven”, or “warp” of a woven fabric, and represents a doctrine in which various ideas are woven together and systematized in Hinduism and Buddhism.
Below is a brief summary of the types of “Tantras” according to the formation process of the scriptures in Buddhist Tantraism, and their representative Mandalas.
The Mystery of Mandalas ☆ Three Real Effects / Uses Not Found in Crystals or Lucky Charms ★
Posted by SATOYuya onMandalas are pictures that depict truth and enlightenment
The Kalachakra Mandala is painted by skilled Tibetan painters who have painted Mandalas for over 30 years, bringing together the universe, Buddha, Gods and Goddesses, and Nyorai.
Since the energy of the universe and of Gods have been actualized through the painting of a Mandala, the energy and power of such a prayer should be feared. For those who have experienced this, it is understood intuitively, without having to explain it in words…
Mandalas Before Swine
Posted by SATOYuya onTantraism = Mandala Mindfulness in relation to Esoteric Buddhism
Posted by SATOYuya onMeditation in Buddhism is broadly divided into "samatha" and "vipassana", and these two together are called "samatha vipassana."
Samatha is a meditation that focuses consciousness on a single subject and calms the mind. Dhyana.
Vipassana is a meditation that brings awareness to the sensations that move towards the subject. Wisdom.
Part of vipassana is mindfulness, a meditation in which a specific thing is imagined in your mind.
2019.05.02 聖山の森
Posted by SATOYuya on冬がまだ微かに残っている「いま」の聖山の動画を撮影し、下記聖山のサイトのプロトタイプを簡単に制作してみました。 Core Teams Wanted! コア・チーム・メンバー 募集中!
信州 聖山 樋知大神社 お種池
Posted by SATOYuya on
信州 聖山のsource and spring of water
Posted by SATOYuya on
お手頃価格 × 携帯できる × クリアーな再現性
マンダラを気軽に持ち運びたい! プレゼントにしやすい価格のものがあったら嬉しいんだけど……
Himalaya Yugyoan Mobile Gallery & Store
Posted by SATOYuya onThe Himalaya Yugyoan Mobile Gallery & Store opened in May of 2018.
We renovated the cargo area of a small truck to create a simple gallery and store space!
OSHO Tapoban in Nagarjuna hills, Kathmandu, Nepal
Posted by SATOYuya on
My Favorite place in Kathmandu, Nepal
OSHO Tapoban, Nagarjuna hills supercharged, ancient, and recent Buddhafield with the grace and presence of OSHO and Masters...
Thy grace is infinite light (love)...
Shechen Monastary in Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal
Posted by SATOYuya on
My Favorite place in Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Shechen Monastary
Emptiness and Fullness meet in paradoxes of Silence...
Mystery deepening... Grace showering...
From nowhere, From everywhere...
存在のお導きと恩寵により、 ダライラマ法王の先生のディルゴ・ケンツェ・リンポチェが建立したシェチェン寺院へとふらっと入って、すっかり毎日通うようになってしまいました。