
This store is the only one of its kind in Japan, specializing in Tibetan and Nepali Mandalas. Stemming from my connection with Nepal, these high quality and intricate Mandalas are carefully selected and imported from Nepal, from a Mandala school managed by Newar and Lama (Tibetan) Mandala artists.
Not only do I personally love looking at and drawing paintings, I enjoy meditation, and after visiting Nepal for the first time as a university student, I, inevitably, came across Mandalas. I instantly fell in love with their beauty and charm (laughs).
Aside from the artistic and aesthetic beauty of Mandalas, they are also mathematical, geometrical, and mysterious, which lends itself to its ability to bring about order, not only to the person looking at it, but also to the energy of the space itself. Each individual Mandala is like a cosmos, and invokes feelings similar to feeling in awe of a star filled night sky.

For the sake of research, upon using the search function on websites such as Google and Yahoo to look up other stores that sell Mandalas, many were selling fake products, drawn on paper instead of cotton. The material of the Mandalas from our store are made from 100% cotton fabric, rather than of paper, which allows it to last hundreds of years. The gold that is used is 24 carat pure gold mud.
We offer 100% quality assurance. While there aren’t many stores in Japan that sell Mandalas, we pride ourselves in being able to offer carefully selected, high quality, and high energy Mandalas at a reasonable price. We carry several Mandalas in stock, with any out-of-stock products being delivered directly from Nepal after an order is placed.
This store was opened with the hope of being able to share the charm of Mandalas. Moreover, the business model is not one of the 21st century profit seeking models, especially after March 11th, 2011, but rather it is a social business, based on the original meaning of economy (governing a nation and providing relief to its people), that is for society and for its people. Which is why, 20% of the sales (proceeds) will be donated to struggling people and people in poverty in Nepal. (The donation recipients will be closely examined and the money will be donated to an honorable organization. Moreover, information regarding the recipient and amount donated will be made public.)
Himalayan Yukoan's Vision・Mission <