Mandalasare pictures that depict truth and enlightenment
The KalachakraMandala
is painted by skilled Tibetan painters who have painted Mandalas for over 30 years, bringing together the universe, Buddha, Gods and Goddesses, and Nyorai.

Similar to lucky charms and crystals, Mandalasare something that invite good luck, increase fortune, and bring about order. But, Mandalas also have other uses and effects.
Mandalasare objective art, awakening art, healing art, and spiritual art, it means they can help with meditation, enlightenment, and awakening.
Not only does it increase fortune, invite good luckand bring about order to the energy of the space by protecting, for example, homes from evil, it is said to be able to invoke higher vibrations from within, through awakening, realization, enlightenment, and infinite love, keywords that are currently popular in the spiritual, healing, and comforting industries (and related industries).
For those who practice meditation, zen meditation, and yoga, mediating with a Mandala may allow meditation to be entered into more easily and deeply. Esoteric Buddhism has a tradition of using Mandalas when meditating.