Our Mandala Products
Similar to lucky charms and crystals, Mandalas are something that invite good luck, increase fortune, and bring about emotional order. However, Mandalas also have another side to them. Mandalas are objective art, awakening art, healing art, and spiritual art, it means they can help with meditation, enlightenment, awakening, and healing or comforting.
Not only does it increase fortune, invite good luck, and bring about order to the energy of the space by protecting, for example, homes from evil, it is said to be able to invoke higher vibrations from within, through awakening, realization, enlightenment, and infinite love, keywords that are currently popular in the spiritual, healing, and comforting industries (and related industries).
For those who practice meditation, zen meditation, and yoga, mediating with a Mandala may allow meditation to be entered into more easily and deeply.
Esoteric Buddhism has a tradition of using Mandalas when meditating.
Kalachakra Mandala
Kalachakra is the last scripture of the arcane Highest Yoga Tantra, from late esoteric Buddhism from Tibet. The Mandala that illustrates this scripture is the Kalachakra Mandala. The Mandala is a visual painting of “things that are holy,” such as a deity, ultimate truth, spirit, enlightenment, etc., using images such as Buddha, Bodhisattva, Nyorai, symbols, letters, gods, etc.
Mandalas were originally developed as an esoteric tool or device for esoteric monks to perform rituals or meditations (observations). It is recorded by the King of Shambhala, an invisible Holy Land, that this Kalachakra scripture was maintained through the past, present and future by the people living in Shambhala, as opposed to scriptures that are passed on person to person.
Size: Width 30 cm x Height 30 cm
Gold Parts: 24-Carat Pure Gold
One of a Kind, Hand Painted
※Due to its popularity, we are currently receiving a high number of pre-orders for this Mandala from our customers!
※Should it sell out, additional products will be ordered directly from Nepal.
※The prices below do not include the cost of a frame.
★For customers interested in frames, please visit the following page ⇒ “Frames”